To raise awareness of the need for surgical care globally and to document the massive unmet burden of surgical disease, SOS developed a unique tool, the SOS Assessment of Surgical need: SOSAS.
SOSAS was developed in a collaborative manner with multiple academic institutions and Ministries of Health as the first multi-nation population survey measuring surgical needs in developing countries.
SOS PIPES Surgical Capacity Assessment tool
SOS PediPIPES Surgical Capacity Assessment tool
Thesis: Surgical need and capacity by Reinou S. Groen, MD, MIH
For additional information on SOSAS, email: [email protected]
For a copy of the SOS prep and travel guide, email: [email protected]
Support a resolution to strenghten Surgical Care and Anesthesia at the World Health Organization, draft resolutions are available in: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.
For more information or a copy of the draft resolution, email: [email protected]
Primary surgery: Volume one – non-trauma
Primary surgery: Volume two – trauma
International Committee of the Red Cross: Surgery for victims of war